Leadership In Nursing

 Nursing Officer’s Dilemma

You are the chief nursing officer of County Hospital. Dr. Martin Jones, a cardiologist, has approached you about having an intensive care unit/critical care unit (ICU/CCU) nurse make rounds with him each morning on all of the patients in the hospital with a cardiac-related diagnosis. He believes that this will probably represent a 90-minute commitment of nursing time daily. He is vague about the nurse’s exact role or purpose, but you believe that there is great potential for better and more consistent patient education and care planning.

Audrey, one of your finest ICU/CCU nurses, agrees to assist Dr. Jones. She has always wanted to have an expanded teaching role. However, for various reasons, she has been unable to relocate to a larger city where there are more opportunities for teaching. You warn Audrey that it might be some time before this role develops into an autonomous position, but she is eager to assist Dr. Jones. The other ICU/CCU staff agree to cover Audrey’s patients while she is gone, although it is obviously an extension of an already full patient load.

After 3 weeks of making rounds with Dr. Jones, Audrey comes to your office. She tearfully reports that rounds frequently take 2 to 3 hours and that making rounds with Dr. Jones amounts to little more than “picking up his pages and being a personal handmaiden.” She has assertively stated her feelings to him and has attempted to demonstrate to Dr. Jones how their allegiance could result in improved patient care. She states that she has not been allowed any input into patient decisions and is frequently reminded of “her position” and his ability to have her removed from her job if she does not like being told what to do. She is demoralized and demotivate. In addition, she believes that her peers resent having to cover her workload because it is obvious that her role is superficial at best.

You ask Audrey if she wants you to assign another nurse to work with Dr. Jones, and she says that she would really like to make it work but does not know what action to take that would improve the situation.

You call Dr. Jones, and he agrees to meet with you at your office when he completes rounds the following morning. At this visit, Dr. Jones confirms Audrey’s description of her role but justifies his desire for the role to continue by saying, “I bring $10 million of business to this hospital every year in cardiology procedures. The least you can do is provide the nursing assistance I am asking for. If you are unable to meet this small request, I will be forced to consider taking my practice to a competitive hospital.” However, after further discussion, he does agree that eventually he would consider a slightly more expanded role for the nurse after he learns to trust her.


  1. Do you meet Dr. Jones’s request? Does it make any difference whether Audrey is the nurse, or can it be someone else?
  2. Is the amount of revenue that Dr. Jones generates relevant in your decision making?
  3. Should you try to talk Audrey into continuing the position for a while longer?
  4. While trying to reach a goal, people must sometimes endure a difficult path, but at what point does the means not justify the end? Be realistic about what you would do in this situation.
  5. What do you perceive to be the greatest obstacles in implementing your decision?




Leadership in Nursing




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Leadership in Nursing

Nursing Officer’s Dilemma

A powerful leadership in nursing is not just a sensible quality but a necessity for offering exceptional patient care and driving positive change within the healthcare industry. Leadership in nursing is a vital element that ensures that maximum-quality care is provided to patients (Al‐Ajarmeh et al., 2022). Potent leadership in nursing entails being capable of inspiring, encouraging, and guiding an individual toward a common goal. In nursing, headship can take on many sorts, like clinical leadership, administrative headship, including educational leadership. Clinical leadership entails being capable of making sound clinical decisions, care coordination, and ensuring patient safety (Stanley et al., 2022). Administrative leadership entails resource management, policies and procedures creation, and staff overseeing. Educational headship entails edifying and tutoring future nurses, enhancing lifelong learning, and promoting evidence-based practice. Potent nursing headship also entails communicating effectively, building a correlation with patients and their families, and working collaboratively with other healthcare professionals. This essay will explore a case study, and from the case study, the paper will explain the reckoning of Dr. Jones’s proposal, cogitation of Dr. Jones’ revenue hatching in decision-making, convincing Audrey to spin out her rank, bracing means and ends, looking at when the clumsiness of the path becoming exorbitant, and finally equating and thrashing obstacles in decision validation. Headship in nursing is vital in enhancing a culture of excellence, innovation, and continuous enhancement in patient care

Accounting for Dr. Jones’s Appeal: Significance of Audrey as the Nurse

As the chief nursing officer of the County Hospital, it is essential to range the well-being and professional evolution of the nursing staff while also taking into consideration the requirements of the facility and its patients. In such a case, Dr. Jones’s appeal for an ICU/CCU nurse to perform rounds with him each morning should be assessed vigilantly. Provided Audrey’s pessimistic experience working with Dr. Jones, it may be good to assign another nurse to work together with him. It is essential to address Audrey’s issues, ensuring that any nurse working with Dr. Jones is treated respectfully and offered chances to provide input into patient care decisions. In case another nurse is assigned to work with Dr. Jones, they should sustain clear expectations and recommendations for their role and have the ability to provide feedback on their experience. It is vital to consider the requirements of the hospital and its patients, it is not bearable for a physician to treat a nurse as a personal amah and deny them input into patient care decisions. The nursing staff must be handled respectfully and offered chances for professional evolution and growth. In case Dr. Jones is unwilling to offer a more expanded role for the nurse or treat them with respect, it may be appropriate to reconsider the facility’s relationship with him and contemplate whether his behavior marshals with the hospital’s values and standards.

Deliberation of Dr. Jones’ Revenue Spawning in Decision-Making

while the revenue spawned by Dr. Jones is essential to the facility’s financial imperishability, it must not be the sole determinative of decision-making in such a situation. The quality of patient care and the well-being of the facility staff are equally essential factors to consider, Audrey’s concerns about her role and the effect it has on her workload and optimism, including her peers’ workload, must not be dismissed. It is vital to make sure that nurses are not being used as a personal assistant or in a specious role that does not employ their skills and expertise to the most whole magnitude possible. Eventually, the decision should range in the best interest of the patients’ staff and the facility as a whole, considering all relevant factors involving revenue spawning.

Inducing Audrey to Prolong her Rank: Is it a Good View?

As the chief nursing officer, it is vital to contemplate the well-being and job contentment of the nurses under one’s leadership. While Audrey at first demonstrated interest in the rank, it is clear that the current positioning is not satisfying her expectations or offering chances for professional growth. It is comprehendible that she is feeling disheartened and demotivated in her role. Accordingly, it may be nessesally trying taking to her into progressing the position for a while longer without addressing the issue she has raised. Alternatively, it is essential to work with both Audrey and Dr. Jones to devise a solution meeting the requirements of all parties included. This may entail explicating the role and responsibilities of the nurse on rounds and making sure that the nurse has chances for input and decision-making in patient care, including the establishment of a plan for professional evolution and growth. It can also entail finding additional resources or staff to encourage the workload of the ICU/CCU department. Having a shared perspective, it may be possible to devise a solution working for everyone, ensuring high-quality patient care.

Stabilizing Means and Codas: When Does the Awkwardness of the Path Become Exorbitant?

As the chief nursing officer, it is one’s accountability to make sure that the nurses in their department are handled with respect and can offer the best possible care to their patients. While one comprehends Dr. Jones’ desire for a committed nurse to help him with rounds, it is unsuitable for him to handle Audrey as his personal amah and not permit her any input into patient decisions. It is clear that Audrey’s workload is already at the position, adding the duration of rounds each day is not appropriate for her peers who are covering her workload. One may interface with Dr. Jones that Audrey’s role requires to be reexamined and that she should be offered the chance to provide input into patient decisions. One may also work with him, establishing particular goals and objectives for the nurse’s role, aiming to enhance patient education and care planning. In case Dr. Jones is not willing to bargain and respect Audrey’s professional role, one may assign another nurse to work with him or possibly consider terminating the collaboration altogether. Eventually, the well-being and care of their patients must always take supersede any financial apprehensions.

Associating and Thrashing Obstacles in Decision Enactment

Prosecuting a decision in such a circumstance may need navigating numerous obstacles. First is the matter of Dr. Jones’ attitude and behavior toward Audrey. His contemptuous and disparaging attitude towards her is unbearable and should be addressed to establish a healthy working relationship. Audrey’s workload should be contemplated. Her absence during rounds portrays additional tension on her workmates, and it should be addressed, ensuring that patient care is not striking a balance. In addition, there may be financial deliberations to consider, as Dr. Jones has menaced to take his business elsewhere if his suggestion is not met. Lastly, there may be matters connected to facility policies and procedures requiring to be taken into account, including potential legal implications. Such factors should be scrupulously taken into account to enact a just and equitable decision for all the parties included.


Leadership in nursing requires stabilizing the needs of patients, staff, and stakeholders like physicians. In such a case of a County Hospital, Dr. Jones’s suggestion for an ICU/CCU nurse to make rounds with him has been demonstrated to be challenging. While the possible profit to patient education and care planning is essential, Audrey’s encounter indicates the need to simplify the nurse’s role, ensuring that it is not purely a subordinate position to the physician. In addition, the revenue generated by Dr. Jones should not be the only factor in decision-making, as patient care and staff confidence must also be ranged. Eventually, the decision to progress with the role must be based on whether it aligns with the facility’s mission and values and whether it can be executed in a way that profits all stakeholders. The considerable obstacle in executing the decision may navigate the power dynamics between physicians and nurses, but clear disclosure and a shared vision for patient care can assist in conquering such challenges.













Al‐Ajarmeh, D. O., Rayan, A. H., Eshah, N. F., & Al‐Hamdan, Z. M. (2022). Nurse–nurse collaboration and performance among nurses in intensive care units. Nursing in Critical Care27(6), 747-755. https://doi.org/10.1111/nicc.12745

Stanley, D., Bennett, C. L., & James, A. H. (Eds.). (2022). Clinical leadership in nursing and healthcare. John Wiley & Sons.

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