The 2 Required Components of the Capstone Project

What are the 2 Required Components of the Capstone Project?

Welcome to the world of capstone projects, where academic excellence meets real-world application! As you embark on this final endeavor of your educational journey, it is vital to comprehend the 2 required components of the capstone project.

A capstone project culminates all the knowledge and skills you gained throughout your studies. In addition, it showcases your ability to tackle complex problems and provide innovative solutions.

The first required component of a capstone is a written portion. This is typically a research paper or a creative project. The second required component of a capstone project is presenting the research in a public academic, professional, or creative forum.

The capstone project focuses on bridging the gap between theory and practice. In addition, it prepares you for the challenges that wait in your professional journey. This is achieved through combining rigorous research with practical implementation.

So, let us dive into the sphere of capstone projects and discover how these two components come together to create a remarkable final project.

The 2 Required Components of the Capstone Project

Generally, a capstone project is a culminating academic or educational experience. In addition, it requires you to apply the knowledge and skills you have gained throughout your studies.

While the specific components of a capstone project can vary depending on the educational institution and field of study, there are generally two main required components. These components include:

  • A written portion
  • A presentation of the research in a public academic, professional, or creative forum

A Written Portion

The written portion of the capstone project is typically the most substantial part of the project. Additionally, it demonstrates your mastery of the material you have learned in your coursework. This part presents the research and findings of the project.

Moreover, the written portion of the capstone project should be well-organized and easy to read. In addition, it is written in a clear and concise style and uses proper grammar and punctuation.

This portion of a capstone project includes:

  • An introduction
  • Literature review
  • Methodology
  • Results
  • Discussion
  • Conclusion

An Introduction

The introduction section introduces the reader to the capstone project’s main topic, purpose, and objectives. In addition, it sets the phase for the rest of the document by explaining the importance of the research and its potential implications.

Furthermore, the introduction often includes a problem statement or research question to guide the investigation.

Literature Review

At this point, the project presents an inclusive review of existing research, studies, and relevant literature related to the chosen topic. The literature review aims to showcase the current state of knowledge in the field. In addition, it highlights gaps or unresolved issues and identifies key concepts and theories that inform the project.


This part outlines the method and procedure used to conduct the research. In addition, it describes how data was collected, analyzed, and interpreted to address the research question. The methodology provides the framework for the project’s empirical investigation, ensuring the study’s rigor and validity.


In this section, the capstone project presents the findings of the research. Furthermore, it includes data tables, graphs, charts, or other visual representations that convey the study’s outcomes. Your research section should be clear and concise, presenting the information without interpretation or discussion.


In the discussion part, the project analyzes and interprets the results in the context of the research question and the existing literature. In addition, it explores the implication of the findings, evaluates any unexpected outcomes, and relates the results to the broader field of study.

Furthermore, it addresses limitations and suggests avenues for further research.


This section provides a summary of the entire capstone project. Additionally, it restates the main findings, reiterates the significance of the research, and discusses the broader implications and potential applications of the study’s results.

It also reflects on the project’s contribution to the field and suggests practical recommendations or future research direction.

Collectively, the written portion guides the reader through the research process. In addition, it demonstrates your ability to apply critical thinking, analytical skills, and scholarly research techniques.

Additionally, this portion of a capstone project is vital, showcasing the culmination of your academic or professional journey. Furthermore, it highlights your comprehension of the chosen subject matter.

When working on creative, design, or business projects, you produce a different written portion. Such fields include engineering, computer science, marketing, entrepreneurship, music composition, art, creative writing, architecture, and theatre.

This portion typically includes:

  • A clear statement of the design, creative, or business issue that you are attempting to tackle through an original work;
  • Background on the artistic genre or technological area in which you are attempting to contribute;
  • Discussion of how the design, technological, business, or artistic product was conceived;
  • Presentation of the results; and
  • An evaluation of its contribution to the discipline.

Presentation or Report

The research presentation is done in a public academic, professional, or creative forum. In addition, it should be clear, concise, and captivating. Furthermore, it is tailored to the specific audience attending the presentation.

During the presentation, you must be prepared to answer questions from the audience. This presentation takes various forms, such as oral presentation, poster session, and performance.


In this section, you create a visual poster summarizing your research, including critical points, graphs, and images. This format is commonly used in conferences and academic events.

Oral Presentation

This section involves speaking in front of an audience. In addition, it is often accompanied by visual aids such as slides. You explain your research process, findings, and implications within a structured time frame.

Video Presentation

With the advancement of technology, you can also create video presentations, capturing your research journey and findings. This format is shared digitally and allows for creativity in conveying information.

Combining the written portion and the presentation component ensures you conduct meaningful research. In addition, it ensures that you effectively communicate your work to others in the academic or professional community. Moreover, this inclusive approach showcases the depth of your comprehension and expertise in your chosen field of study.


A successful capstone project comprises 2 crucial required components. These components include a comprehensive written portion and a compelling research presentation.

The written portion is a culmination of knowledge and skills, guiding the reader through the research process. In addition, it showcases critical thinking and analytical prowess. Whether in academics, creativity, or business, the portion demonstrates mastery and comprehension of the chosen subject matter.

The presentation component bridges theory with practice. Furthermore, it allows you to share your findings with the broader academic or professional community.

A capstone project symbolizes the culmination of your educational journey. In addition, it serves as a testament to your ability to address complex issues and present innovative solutions. This is achieved by harmoniously integrating the two components of the capstone project.

If you are struggling to write your capstone because you don’t have time or you don’t know where to start you can order your paper here 

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