Professional Identity And Stewardship

Organization stewards of healthcare

Interview a fellow peer in your class who works in a different health discipline than you. Begin your interview with the following questions: (My partner works in a homecare setting)

  1. What is your role as a healthcare team member?
  2. How do you define professionalism and how does professional responsibility influence your work?
  3. Do you consider leaders in your organization stewards of health care? Why or Why not?
  4. Is it important to you that leaders exercise professional advocacy and authenticity as well as power and influence when working with colleagues? Why or why not?




Professional Identity and Stewardship




Student’s Name







Professional Identity and Stewardship

Organization Stewards of Healthcare

Professional identity and stewardship are the fundamental values professionals must evince to prove how essential their role in society can be Kwon and proven. Professional identity is a form of social identification and is the perception of the oneness individuals have with a profession such as medicine and the degree to which individuals describe themselves as profession members (Salvatore et al., 2018). It consists of the individual’s alignment of roles, values, ethical standards, and responsibilities to be consistent with practices accepted by their specific profession. Stewardship is an ethical value that personifies the responsible planning and management of resources, and the component of stewardship can be applied to the environment and nature. Most organizations do not perform without professional identity and stewardship. This brings about an interview with one of my peer on stewardship and professional identity. Some of the relevant questions to the peer during the interview include her role as a healthcare team member, how she defines professionalism and how professional responsibility influences her work, if she considers leaders in a nursing home stewards of healthcare, and finally, is it essential for leaders to exercise professional advocacy and authenticity including power and influence when working with colleagues.

The Role of a Healthcare Team Member in a Nursing Home

During the interview, the peer stated that her role was that of a registered nurse working in a nursing home, and her main task was to care for senior patients’ needs, she explained that she always ensures that her patients maintain acceptable personal hygiene levels, receive proper nutrition, their beds are clean, and that they take all their prescribed medications and treatment sought for any illnesses. Registered nurses in a nursing home are responsible for the supervision of other nursing personnel, care coordination, conducting resident surveillance, interfacing with other medical staff and overseeing infection control, among others (White et al., 2020). The ability of registered nurses to perform such roles is primarily influenced by the work environment in which they practice. She also stated that she oversees the activities of licensed practice nurses and nursing aides and assists in the nursing home. Emma went ahead and explained that she manages the medical histories of patients and the overall health of the patients, and she performs this to ensure that all patients meet their needs with the most excellent care possible and from the information provided by the peer, it is clear that registered nurses in a nursing home play a significant role in ensuring improved patient outcomes.

The Definition of Professionalism

Emma Davis mentioned that professionalism goes beyond politeness and wearing a uniform. According to Emma, professionalism encompasses a set of values enabling the elevation of the quality of patient care. The values improve the judgments, standards, and methods guiding her and the team on a daily basis. She explained that a professional environment helps her and the team to develop skills that prove to be valuable to the individuals as well as the team (Fukada, 2018). She has been influenced by professional responsibility in various ways, first, it has motivated her to go for a higher education level as she believes that pursuing higher education creates further opportunities to enhance her core values of professionalism. Secondly, her cognitive skills have been sharpened by professionalism as she focuses on continuous learning on professional conduct and proceeds to apply the same in her workplace, and it has enabled her to make decisions and prioritize what is essential in an effective way.

Leaders in Nursing Homes as Stewards

Davis, my peer, said she views leaders in a nursing home as healthcare stewards. Stewardship is an essential aspect of the field of nursing as it has numerous benefits. She pointed out that stewardship in nursing calls for new care delivery models and the evolving nature of the nurse’s work needs to be addressed in every aspect. At her workplace, leaders continuously work at cooperating with other professionals in the nursing home to improve the work environment not only for the nursing home where she works but also for other nursing homes in the United States (Rutten et al., 2022). She further explained that the management in her workplace performs benchmarking in other nursing homes in order to borrow ideas on how to improve patient outcomes and also improve the workforce in their nursing home. The leaders do not only do benchmarking, but they also attend and participate in conversations aiming to improve the safety of patients and their organizational staff, meet the needs of the crumbling workforce in the industry, and maximize respect for professional nurses’ contribution to the field.

The Importance of Leaders Exercising Professional Advocacy and Authenticity

In response to the question, Emma stated that influence could not exist outside of advocacy. For a leader to be constructive in change advocacy and for better communities, individuals and society must be engaged and engage with colleagues. Influence can prospect as a person’s power to bring about a change and a positive change affecting the nursing profession and advancing the importance of nursing in healthcare (Al- Hussami et al., 2018). She further pointed out that leaders need to hold up and advocate for a moral good voicing the needs and concerns of disadvantaged people. People with having authentic leadership styles bring their whole selves to their jobs by participating fully and honestly in their places of work. Organization fostering authentic behavior is more likely to have engaged, enthusiastic and motivated employees and psychologically safe cultures.


In conclusion, it is evidence that Emma Davis got a passion for her job and has decided to pursue further education to improve her leadership and one that advocates for the disadvantaged. She views professionalism as a censorious component of enhancing patient care delivery and improving collaboration within her team. She aims to improve the lives of others and also to involve patients in decision-making and all levels of their care and treatment as the best way to achieve excellent patient outcomes. The interview portrays a common ground regarding professionalism and the characteristics considered necessary for a leader to dominate.














Al-Hussami, M., Hammad, S., & Alsoleihat, F. (2018). The influence of leadership behavior, organizational commitment, organizational support, subjective career success on organizational readiness for change in healthcare organizations. Leadership in Health Services.

Fukada, M. (2018). Nursing competency: Definition, structure and development. Yonago acta medica61(1), 001-007.

Rutten, J. E., Backhaus, R., Ph Hamers, J., & Verbeek, H. (2022). Working in a Dutch nursing home during the COVID‐19 pandemic: experiences and lessons learned. Nursing Open9(6), 2710-2719.

Salvatore, D., Numerato, D., & Fattore, G. (2018). Physicians’ professional autonomy and their organizational identification with their hospital. BMC Health Services Research18, 1-11.

White, E. M., Aiken, L. H., Sloane, D. M., & McHugh, M. D. (2020). Nursing home work environment, care quality, registered nurse burnout and job dissatisfaction. Geriatric Nursing41(2), 158-164.

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